Welcome to Deadlands: Ghosts
- 09/15/2024 - Third Recap uploaded. Experience updated below.
- 08/18/2024 - Second Recap uploaded. Experience updated below.
- 08/04/2024 - First Recap uploaded. Updated character creation
document uploaded. PC info updated (with pictures where possible).
- 06/23/2024 - Latest Character Creation doc uploaded to the docs (aka
"Reconnoiter") section
- 06/18/2024 - Character Creation (latest) uploaded with player map
(below) and SW Companion.
- 06/07/2024 - Docs uploaded
- 06/07/2024 - Site Created
- Game one: Post-game experience checks
- Game two: Post-game experience checks. Mid-game 5% to assign
to skills, and a 5% at the end of the game. Mid-game 3 character
points for powers, and 3 character points for powers at the end of the game.
Post-game assign 1 point to an attribute of your choice.
- Game three: Post-game experience checks.